Sunday, November 20, 2011


Happy almost Thanksgiving!

Almost time for turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and most importantly-family.

the definition of Thanksgiving Day on is 'a national holiday celebrated as a day of feasting and giving thanks'

So what are you thankful for?

This year I'm thankful for my whole life. The people in it, the abilities I have, my family, friends, house, everything. If you asked me to explain every single thing im thankful for youd be bored to tears by the end! So today ill just focus on ONE. I am thankful for Rett Syndrome. Obviously not for the body stealing, seizure causing, monsterous side of Rett, but more like the influence its had on me.

Im thankful for the people that have the same mission as I do, the cure.

Im thankful for the ones ive met and enjoyed the company of their lovely and adorable daughters and sons (even if the year before it was FREEZING)

Im thankful for the person ive become. A couple years ago I would have watched this( video, said AWH and moved on. But yesterday I watched it and struggled to hold back tears. Ive seen the little things in life matter most and that I should appreciate the things I can do.

Im thankful for the researchers that work day in and day out for the cure (SOO CLOSE).

And last but not least, im thankful for miss emma

who has been strong through the seizures, regression, frustration. Through Rett Syndrome. Dont worry emma gem, pretty soon youll itll be your turn to play with the doll house, to play tag, etc...

did you know that you can make that 'soon' even SOONER!? These bracelets make FABULOUS christmas presents for family and friends. Got a daughter that wants to give presents to EVERY single one of her friends this holiday season? Well these bracelets are fun, cheap, and for a good cause. So order them today! Email with your 2 colors per bracelet and wrist size (small, medium, or large.)

have a GREAT thanksgiving!


  1. i bet you're also thankful for your loving sister

  2. i love this post. thanks so much rach<3
