Sunday, December 4, 2011

the R-Word

The last couple days i've realized something. while spending time on facebook insead of in school because my muscles decided they hate me, ive realized that a lot of kids dont realize how good they have it.

on my regular old account of a 15 year old saranac laker, a status that gets 63 likes is from one of the populars and about their life being horrible or a depressing quote.

on my Braceletsfor Rett account, friends with a bunch of family memebers of girls with special needs, a status that gets 63 likes is about someones little girl coming home after a month at the hospital or a six year old finally taking one step independently.

so it got me thinking about the things people think about and what they say, which brings me to the word 'retarded' now i know youre probably thinking "how in the world can that make her think of that?!"

In my high school people throw the R-Word around like they use the word "the" and every single time i hear that word it stings. It makes me so mad. sometiems if its not someone huge and intimidating that could step on me and id be dead that i say something. usually they try and make the argument like "i didnt mean it in  that way!". well guess what Saranac Lake High Schoolers? it doesnt matter.

did you know that on the definitions of the R-Word is "to make slow; delay the development or progress of (anaction, process, etc.); hinder or impede."

do you see the word 'stupid' in there? because i dont. 

i know that emma is not retarded. i KNOW she knows everything going on around her. in fact shes the smartest little five year old i know! but i also know that the R-Word is an evil, disrespectful, degrading word. 

being around someone with disabilities has made me realize that everything you say effects someone. watch this video and tell me that you arent affected by it. 

Somedays i just want to get on the announcements and say "to all the kids here at Saranac Lake High School, how would you like it if everytime you said the rword the word 'handicapped' came out instead. "youre SO handicapped!" "shut up handicap".

does it still mean stupid? didnt think so. 

if this post has inspired you to change your vocabulary go to and take the pledge to help eliminate the word retarded.

i know this post doesn't have a lot to do with rett syndrome but it needed to be said

wanna buy a bracelet?!?!??!?! help raise money AND awareness. get one and show people and tell them where you got it and what its for! 

email us at with your TWO favorite colors and wrist size (small, medium, or large)! 

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