Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The R-word...poem style

For English were doing a poetry unit. Its very structured, like a couple nights ago we wrote soapbox poems. Soapbox poems (according to my english teacher) are used when you want to complain about something or get it off your chest when you get really annoyed with something. We had a few requirments for the poems like at least 15 lines and a couple poetic devices but other than that we were pretty much free. So. I wrote about the derogatory use of the term retarded. i also wrote about that on THIS post but its pretty much one of my favorite things to rant about. I didnt really think to much of the poem until we were put in pairs and when the person i was paired with said something along the lines of "Wow. Thats really powerful. You should publish it or something." and i got to thinking where in the world would i publish such a poem until i remembered YOU guys!! so i decided that id publish the poem HERE! so here is the poem:

How would it feel to be degraded, deflated?
To be stupid though smart
or dumb with a big heart?

How would it feel to be an insult to the world?
To be hated for something you cannot control.
After all those years would the hurt take its toll?

What if you couldn't stick up for yourself?
You were trapped in a bubble with the world outside
listening to people make fun of your life.

What if you couldn't shake off the pain
and the word goes around and gets under your skin.
The only justice that's served is the words of your kin

Would you be able to handle the crack of your heart
When you get bullied with that word from finish to start
and they think it means nothing but you no longer feel smart

Your world is like rock bottom with no where to hide
it doesnt mean stupid clueless dumb or scarred
it simply means the monster inside. Its Retard.

The End. 

it still needs some work (be free to suggest changes) but i felt you guys would enjoy this poem because 1) its about a really good topic and 2) i wrote it with our cure in mind. One day when the cure for Rett Syndrome has been found and all these girls (and boys) are living there dreams theyll also be sticking up against this  cause too. but there can only be a cure with your help. buy a bracelet for only FOUR DOLLARS  by emailing and share this with your friends! 

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